Contact Triple Threat Mommy
I am P.R. friendly and look forward to hearing from you!! Below is a list of some of the things that I love to write about: family, kids, fashion — you know — life! I am available to write reviews, sponsored content, and act as a brand representative and host events on behalf of your brand.
You may contact me at Madison {at} triplethreatmommy {dot} com
Editorial Content at Triple Threat Mommy
Fashion & Beauty – for both me and our tween and pre-tween girls
Food – Easy, healthy meals for the family. I am not against prepared food, but it should be a healthy, all-natural or organic and just plain old good for you. We also love going to restaurants, so if your restaurant is family-friendly, we’d love to discover it! Disclaimer: One of my clients is Kidfresh, an all-natural frozen kids meal brand, so I cannot work with products that compete with Kidfresh.
Travel – we enjoying traveling with the girls, now that they are older and are able to enjoy getting on the plane and all the activities that a family vacation can offer. We enjoy skiing, swimming, biking. I also write about family activities that visitors coming to NYC can enjoy since we are an active NYC family, and I also write Hotel Reviews.
Lifestyle: There are three categories under this: family, home and fitness. Family: anything that has to do with bringing up a family and the girls is what I write about here. Home – We live in NYC, in an apartment, and our girls are growing up which means the apartment is in major change mode. Whether its putting in a new pantry, bedroom or getting new sheets, I am always looking to upgrade our home. Fitness: I’ve finally
Reviews and Giveaways: I write product reviews if given a complimentary sample for review. I also host giveaways if I feel that the product will be
My readers come from all over the United States and the world. The top five states are: New York, Florida, New Jersey, California, Illinois.