Just Call Me Top Chef

I have to give myself a pat on the back. I bought groceries at Whole Foods with hardly a melt-down from Sydney and with the food I bought, I was able to cook and plan dinner for Sunday night and Monday night – and possibly the rest of the week. I made two dishes: one that actually came from Disney.com called an Almost Lasagna Recipe and my mom’s tried and true chicken cutlet dish that was marinated overnight in “America’s Choice Italian Dressing”.

Photo courtesy of Disney’s Family.go.com

For Sunday Night, The Almost Lasagna was a hit – and I made good use of the extra hour we got Sunday morning by cooking up the pasta and making the meat sauce. Once the groceries arrived from the Whole Foods delivery service (a little late – but I’ll forgive you), I whipped together the ricotta cheese mixture and had everything in the oven while The Hubby and the girls went to the park. I made a little side salad and served it with my mom’s homemade matzoh ball soup and cornbread and the dinner was a hit. I know the menu doesn’t go together, but everyone ate it, and I felt like a Top Chef considering that BOTH girls ate something of everything. A feat in itself.

Monday night, the MIL was over and I thoroughly impressed her. My mom taught me this trick of marinating chicken cutlets in store-bought italian dressing. I marinated overnight, cooked in the cast-iron and finished cooking in the oven. Tasty, moist chicken with herbed pasta and a salad. I definitely won the big challenge and I received immunity for the rest of the week because of leftovers