Yes, I’m a Mommy and I CAN Do It!

I may have been over-dramatic yesterday; questioning myself whether or not I could “survive” without our caregiver who couldn’t come in because she was sick. I clearly under-estimated myself as a Mom and I clearly under-estimated my children as awesome children.

Long story short, the day went super smooth and we all had a great time together. Doing drop-offs and pick-ups is probably one of my favorite things, especially during pick-up when their faces light up when they see me waiting for them. That in itself is the true reward.

I also made up something “new” to serve the girls. In the quest of finding something “fun” to serve S for lunch, because she “wasn’t hungry” (yeah, we heard all that before!) I thought of how cool Moomah Cafe’s SuperTryer sampler plate is and how exciting it is for toddlers. So, I put together a bunch of S’s favorite foods: turkey bacon, grape tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, egg and whole wheat toast. And, wouldn’t you know it, S was hungry, after all!

After S had her lunch, we headed over to O’s school and took her out for lunch – something we rarely do and afterwards, we had an even bigger treat of having ice cream from an ice-cream truck! How much do I love being able to see those chocolate-covered smiles?!?

Since I knew there would be a chunk of time after school that I would need to keep them busy, I made sure that I had the ingredients for Food Network magazine’s Banana Bread with Chocolate Chips recipe, which kept us all busy for a good 30 minutes. By the time the bread was in the oven, O was doing her homework and S was winding down from the day’s festivities, I made another version of the Triple Threat Mommy Snack Pack for dinner, The Hubby had come home.  Ta-Da! The day went smoothly, there were no melt-downs from anybody, and we spent wonderful QT together.

It was a full day. A full, happy and glorious day. For all three of us.
